Problems signing on or signing in

  • If you need help with signing for the API, please check the support forum of our API management provider 3scale here
  • If you have questions about the API itself or Edamam’s nutritional service, please contact us at api@edamam.com

Where I can see my app_key and app_id?

  • You need to log in to the account you created with Edamam at developer.edamam.com The credentials are located in your Dashboard in the Applications section.
  • If you are not seeing any existing application in the Applications section of your Dashboard you can create a new application. Just click on ‘Create New Application’ button and select the API and plan you need when prompted.

I am not seeing my application key, why?

  • If the ‘View’ button is not present next to your application then you have selected a paid API plan without entering your credit card details. Edamam requires to have a credit card on file in order for you to see and use your application key for a paid API plan. If you want to use our API for free please use a free application plan.

How do I update my credit card details?

  • You can use this link (when logged in). You will first need to enter your billing address only then you can enter the credit card details.

How do I upgrade my API plan?

  • You first need to have a valid entered card saved in your account! See previous topic. All upgrades are processed in the same account you already have. So there is no need to create a new one.
  • To Enterprise
  • Login to developer.edamam.com
  • Go to Dashboard
  • Go to Applications
  • Click on Edit next to the application you want to upgrade
  • Next to the plan on top of the application window you will see link Review/Change
  • A pop up will appear where you can now select an Enterprise plan on the left. Then click on Change on the bottom of the popup.
  • If you have not entered a credit card the system will ask you first to add one, and you can then upgrade.
  • To Startup
  • Find your app_id
  • Send us the app_id and a short description of the how you are going to use the API.
  • Upgrades for the Startup plan are processed by Edamam manually, and you will be upgraded within 24 hours.

How do I downgrade my API plan?

  • You can do so by logging in to your account, going to Dashboard/Application and clicking on the "Change"button next to your current plan

How do I subscribe to more than one API?

  • First sign up for one of the APIs in order to create an account with Edamam. Once you have an account you can add more APIs to it. Each API has its own application and set of credentials
  • Login to developer.edamam.com
  • Go to Dashboard
  • Go to Applications
  • Click on Create New Application
  • Select the API you want to create an application for
  • Fill the required fields in the application creation form

How to subscribe to the Meal Planner API?

  • If you do not have an Edamam account you can sign up directly from the Meal Planner page and a plan will be assigned to the account
  • If you do have an account with Edamam you need to do the following:
  • - Login to developer.edamam.com
  • - Go to Dashboard
  • - Go to Applications
  • - Click “Create New Application” Button
  • - Select “Recipe Search API
  • - Select a Meal Planner Developer plan from the list.

I am getting a 401 error, why?

  • Please make sure you use the credentials you created for this exact API as they are API and plan specific, see the next question for more information.
  • If you are using the right credentials and you still get 401 you might be hitting your limit. Check your account to see if this is the case.

Error message “Unauthorized app_id =${YOUR_APP_KEY}.This app_id is for another API.”

  • This is one of the possible reasons for a 401 error. Edamam has several APIs and you can not use the credentials from one API for another API. You can use only the app_key/app_id pair for the specific API your application was created for. Please register an application for the API you are trying to use. You can do so in the same account you are currently using.

I am getting a 403 error, why?

  • Please make sure you remove any symbols like ‘$’ ‘{}’ from the credentials you submit. If this does not help check if you are using the correct syntax for the body of the request.

I am getting a 555 error (low quality), why?

  • The goal of the 555 error is to make sure that we always provide accurate information to you. The 555 error means that the recipe does not pass our nutrition quality check. Possible reasons are: too high or too low weight of a serving, unrecognized ingredients or ingredients to which no weight can be assigned.
  • Alternatively, you can send us couple of those recipes on api@edamam.com and we will review them for you.

I am not seeing cooking instructions in the Recipe Search API

  • The recipes contained in the Recipe Search API are web recipes. These are recipes collected from throughout the internet. We do not hold the copyrights to these recipes. Therefore, we do not provide the cooking instructions for them, but we do provide the url to the source recipe. The nutrition information is generated by Edamam.
  • We do offer fully licensed recipes with cooking instructions, this can be discussed by getting in contact with us using the “Support” widget.

How should I format the recipe

  • Recipes are submitted in JSON format according to the specific API documentation.

Do you support direct requests from the browser (AJAX, JSONP, CORS)?

  • We do support all of these. For more details on how to use them we suggest you look in https://stackoverflow.com and other software development sources on the internet.
  • CORS demo

How do I get best results in my nutrition analysis?

  • Always include an ingredient quantity: “3 oz butter cookies” is preferable to “butter cookies or tuiles”
  • Shorten and simplify the line: “2 cans garbanzo beans, drained” is preferable to “2-2 1/2 cans of washed and drained garbanzo beans”
  • If oil is used for frying, indicate so in the ingredient line (add the words “for frying”), so we can accurately calculate how much gets absorbed.
  • For stocks and broths, include “stock” or “broth” in the recipe title, so we can accurately calculate the remaining nutritional value once it’s strained.

Why I am getting only four nutrients in my Food Database API responses

  • The Parse access point allows you to search for foods and get a list of matching foods to your search criteria – keywords, nutrition etc. In this response we also return for convenience some basic nutrients per 100 gr so that you can provide the consumer with more educated choices.
  • The Nutrients access point allows you to submit a food you found in the Parse requests and get detailed nutrition with 28 nutrients for a given servings size.

What diet, health and allergens filters/tags Edamam provide

  • The list of the tags generated by the Nutrition API and their definitions can be found in the API Documentation
  • The list of the filters provided for the Recipe Search & Nutrition API can be found in the API Documentation

Can I submit recipe search requests without a food term (q=)

  • You can submit a request without specifying a term after ‘q=’ However in such cases you always need to specify at least one diet/health label or one nutrient range
  • A sample request will look like this ‘https://api.edamam.com/search?q=&app_id=YOURAPP_ID&app_key=YOURAPP_KEY&diet=low-carb’ or this ‘https://api.edamam.com/search?q=&app_id=YOURAPP_ID&app_key=YOURAPP_KEY &nutrients[CA]=50%2B’

What does attribution mean

  • You can find details about the Edamam attribution requirements in the respective API Plan description. Here are some examples and logos. We require the words “powered by” followed by our logo with the image linking to http://developer.edamam.com

If I cancel my API subscription what happens with my nutritional information.

  • If you decide to cancel your subscription you have to return all nutritional information provided by Edamam and you can no longer use it in any form.


  • You can upgrade/downgrade at any time for any of our API’s. Upgrading is effective immediately and you will be billed pro rata for the current month. Downgrading is effective from the start of your next billing cycle.

How can I check if I have hit my monthly/daily API quota.

  • You can visit your account and check your usage stats

How can I see my applications and manage my data plans?

Can I cache information from the API on my servers

  • Each API detailes the data allowed to be cached in the specific API plan page.

Contacting Edamam

  • Please use the Suppport button on any page of the API to contact us