Food and Grocery Database API

With Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Enterprise Basic Enterprise Core Enterprise Plus Enterprise Unlimited
Monthly fee $9per month $69per month $299per month Customper month
Free Trial 30 days NO NO NO
AI Assistant fee Free $0.0010/$0.0020 for 1K tokens outbound/inbound $0.0010/$0.0020 for 1K tokens outbound/inbound $0.0010/$0.0020 for 1K tokens outbound/inbound
Subscribe Now Subscribe Now Subscribe Now Contact Us
Included API calls 100,000 calls/month 750,000 calls/month 5,000,000 calls/month unlimited**
Food and Nutrition requests 50 per minute 100 per minute 300 per minute** unlimited**
UPC requests 50 per minute 100 per minute 300 per minute** unlimited**
Autocomplete requests 50 per minute 500 per minute 300 per minute** unlimited**
AI Assistant 30 calls/10,000 inbound tokens per day 10 calls per minute/200K inbound tokens per day 30 calls per minute/1 million inbound tokens per day Custom
Included in All Plans
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
AI Assistant with Open AI's GPT model
Close to 900,000 common foods, restaurant menu items and grocery products
615,000 unique UPCs/barcodes
130,000 branded restaurant items
100,000 Common foods, including:
- 90,000 generic meals
- 10,000 generic foods
UPC/Barcode Search
70+ Diet, Allergy, and Nutrion filters
Parser response with measure weight
Data caching FoodId, Food Label FoodId, Food Label, Protein, Net carbs, Total fat, Kcal FoodId, Food Label, Protein, Net carbs, Total fat, Kcal Full caching option is available as an add on
Commercial use
Attribution Required*** Required*** Required*** Required***
Support Support form Email + Phone Email + Phone Email + Phone
Contract duration Month to month Month to month Month to month Month to month
Try Our Food Search Demos

The Food API uses Natural Language Processing and semantically structured data.

Each search string you input in the API goes through Edamam's proprietary natural language analysis engine. Food entities are found and quantities are attached to them when available.

In Food Logging mode the API allows for development of food logging chatbots. All text is analyzed and quantities of the food are estimated on the fly.

With Edamam's Food Database API you can use the native iOS or Android voice recognition for one click data entry. No more drop downs and search boxes are required.

Food database

Edamam provides access to a food and grocery database with close to 900,000 basic foods, restaurant items and consumer packaged foods

The foods in the Food API can be filtered by Diet and health filters generated by Edamam. All food database data is enriched with diet, allergy and nutrition labeling, as calculated by Edamam based on the food's ingredients. Peanut Free, Shellfish Free, Gluten Free, Vegan, and Vegetarian are some of the 70+ claims generated automatically.

For basic foods from the food database (flour, eggs, flour etc.), Edamam returns data for calories, fats, carbohydrates, protein, cholesterol, sodium, etc. for a total of 28 nutrients. For UPC foods and fast foods data is return as listed on their nutrition label

Edamam Platform Assistant

The Edamam Platform Assistant is a chatbot integrated into four of Edamam’s API. This can provide an easy to use intuitive interface for your customers. The assistant allows you to submit natural language queries and receive back the necessary API calls needed in order to obtain the data requested by your query.

The Food Database API is integrated into this service. You can find more information on the Chatbot Assitant here


Data Caching

The terms of use of the Edamam Data are covered in the API Terms of Use and do not permit data caching unless explicitly permitted by Edamam. The data caching described here does not constitute permission to copy or reuse the Edamam data.

Data caching is allowed for some paid API plans when explicitly stated by plan’s terms. API customers can cache only the four basic macro nutrient datapoints - protein, total fat, net carbs and calories as well as the fooId, food label and food image. Saved data can be used only in the end user’s account, behind a password. The caching as described here does not allow API subscribers to build a copy of the Edamam data to be reused in any form or to build a food search. The API still provides full nutrient data which can be displayed on call without caching and customers can only cache the nutrients and data elements described above. Active subscription to an eligible plan is required as long as the data is used

UPC or Barcode search

The Food Database API provides access to over 615,000 unique UPC codes.

Low-cost solution

Edamam provides free Food API access with its basic plan for developers, startups and non-profits alike.

Enterprise customers are charged a very low monthly and per call fee based on usage. Custom packages are also available.

** All plans allow only human, end user driven requests. The terms of the API prohibit any automated programatic requests with the goal to collect, scrape or save data provided by the API. The data returned in the response can be only used for presentation to the human end user who initiated the request and can not be stored unless explicitely permetted by Edamam . Edamam reserves the right to determine if the API is being used by automated means in which case the access to the API will be stopped immediately without refund to paid monthly fee.

*** All Edamam plans require the following attribution by using the image provided here and a link to . For the Recipe Analysis API, such attribution should be placed right next to the nutrition facts. You can see the available image formats and examples from other customers here. Not providing attribution is considered breach of contract and is followed by immediate service suspension.