Edamam's Recipe Analysis and Nutrition AP(Version Retired)

The Recipe Analysis API uses Natural Language Processing and semanitcally structured data. This is the most advanced nutrition analysis technology available!

Submit in free text any recipe or ingredient list

- Edamam will extract the full nutrition and ingredient data from the text. No more need to spend hours entering your recipes line by line. The nutrition analysis takes less than a second!

Returns detailed information for each ingredient line

- You can get information for the entire recipe as a whole or broken down automatically for each ingredient.

Nutrition claims for major diets

- Edamam automatically annotates your recipes with diet, health and allergy labels. Vegan, Paleo, Gluten Free, Low-Sodium, Dairy Free are some of the 20+ claims generated automatically.

Low cost solution

- There is no per hit cost for submitting your recipes. You are simply paying a low monthly licensing fee for using nutrition from Edamam for each recipe. And if you submit the same recipe twice you pay only for one license.

Try our API with a free trial.

Free Trial Wellness Dietitian Virtual Nutritionst
API access fee Free $9/month $199/month $1299/month
Nutrition licensing fee per recipe free $0.1/month $0.05/month $0.02/month
Natural Language Processing (NLP) icon icon icon icon
Common Foods (USDA) icon icon icon icon
Full Nutritional Analysis icon icon icon icon
Health, Diet and Allergy labeling icon icon icon icon
Detailed Nutrition for Each Ingredient icon icon icon
Commercial use Not allowed Yes Yes Yes
Attribution Required* Required* Required* Required*
Support Forum Email Email Email + Phone
Contract duration unlimited Month to month Month to month Month to month
See the API Documentation or just start your Free Trial NOW
*All Edamam plans require the following attribution by using the image provided here and a link to http://developer.edamam.com . For the Recipe Analysis API, such attribution should placed right next to the nutrition facts. You can see the available image formats and examples from other customers here. Not providing attribution is considered breach of contract and is followed by immediate service suspension.