Edamam's Nutrition Data API (API Retired)

More than 100,000 foods. Try our Nutrition Data API with a free trial.

Free Trial Basic Pro
Pricing Free $99/mo $499/mo
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Common Foods (USDA)
Full Nutritional Analysis
Health, Diet and Allergy labeling
Hits included 500 1000/day 10,000/day
Cost per additional hit N/A $0.005 $0.001
Commercial use Not allowed Yes Yes
Attribution Required* Required* Required*
Support Forum Email Email + Phone
Contract duration no commitment Month to month Month to month
The Nutrition Data API returns the nutrient content and diet tags of foods submitted in a natural language. It is the most advanced nutrition analysis technology
You submit any combination of food and its quantity as a free text (e.g., “1 bunch kale,” “3/4 cup buttermilk,” “a pinch of salt”).
We return detailed information about nutrient content and the applicability of the food for most major diets.
Edamam will process the free text, extract the relevant data and calculate accurately the nutritional data.
No need for separate submission of food and quantity and no need to submit the food in a specific format.
Data is returned for calories, fats, carbs, protein, cholesterol, sodium and another 30 micronutrients.
Each food will be also tagged for 25+ diets such as paleo, vegan, gluten-free, low-sodium, etc.
Access to 100,000 basic and packaged foods (CPG)
*All Edamam plans require the following attribution by using the image provided here and a link to http://developer.edamam.com . For the Recipe Analysis API, such attribution should be placed right next to the nutrition facts. You can see the available image formats and examples from other customers here. Not providing attribution is considered breach of contract and is followed by immediate service suspension.